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100 things I've learned in algebra 2:
1: if you throw chalk it will go pretty far
2: Mr.Arthur in big yellow pants makes for a funny MC HAMMER  impresion
3: Everything is freakin sweet,or at least it seems like it in Mr.Arthurs opinon
4:If you say your confused Mr. Aurtur will say no your not then come over anyway
5:If you start sining TUBTHUMING, you'll get weird looks from Mr.Arthur
6:If you say your a genius Mr.Arthur questions that
7: YEAH TOAST is one of the songs introduced to us in math class
8:Queen should be the only on to sing WE ARE THE CHAMPIONS
9:If Mr. Arthur tells you to come over so he can mesure your arm, you better be prepared for the consequences
10: If Mr. Arthur says he must confiscate your candy because of the health and wellness policy, he just wants to eat it himself
11:It's okay to randomly break out into dancing or doing the robot during class
( #'s11-25 coming soon)

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I dont have a life inc.
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